Playing Cash Flow Games is the Best Form of Mentoring

For those who want to start investing in real estate but afraid to start, then I suggest you play Robert Kiyosaki's cash flow games. Let me introduce you to the Cashflow 101 Board Game ( You can read my review here ).

The financial board game alone is a mentor that can teach you the basics of money, business and investing. When I first started to play, I got to learn a lot about managing my financial statement. Besides, it removes the complexity of subjects that are either boring or cannot be taught in normal investing classes.

Being designed as a game, it removes the boredom of invesing and increases the excitement of having to buy properties or businesses with play money and have fun along the way too.

Having playing the game several times, I begin to understand the importance of having the financial education, as rich dad said in the books.

The game also made me think differently about the subject of money. I begin to question myself why other people work so hard for their jobs to make ends meet. If everyone starts to play this game, i'll bet their perception of money will change immediately.

Today, there are cashflow clubs all around the world dedicated to playing cash flow 101. People from all walks of life come together, sit down and hone their skills playing the game.

Without exception, the game really reflects the mission statement.

If that is not enough, there is an online version of Cash Flow 101. This one is far more powerful, allowing players to compete with each other from all over the world.

With a computer and an internet connection, an Aussie mate can compete with players from US, UK or even Japan(talk about convenience).

If you don't like playing with humans, there is always the game A.I that will play with you.

To learn more about the Online Version of Cash Flow 101, click here

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